/**************************************************************************** |
* lensflare.sl |
* |
* Description: This shader, when placed on a piece of geometry |
* immediately in front of the camera, simulates lens flare. |
* These effects happen in real cameras when the camera points toward |
* a bright light source, resulting in interreflections within the |
* optical elements of the lens system itself. Real lens flare is |
* pretty plain looking and uninteresting; this shader takes some |
* liberties but looks pretty good. |
* |
* Parameters: |
* intensity - overall scale of intensity of all lens flare effects |
* bloomintensity - overall intensity of the "bloom" effect. Setting |
* this to 0 removes the bloom effect altogether. |
* bloomradius, bloomfalloff - control the size & shape of the bloom |
* bloomstarry, bloomnpoints - control the "starry" appearance of the |
* bloom effect (bloomstarry=0 means perfectly round bloom) |
* starburstintensity - overall intensity of starburst effect (0=none) |
* starburstradius, starburstnpoints, starburstfalloff - control the |
* size and shape of the starburst effect |
* rainbowintensity - intensity of rainbow effect (0=none) |
* rainbowradius, rainbowwidth - size of the rainbow |
* nspots - number of "spots" splayed out on the axis joining the |
* image center with the light position |
* disky, ringy, blotty, bloony - give the relative proportions of |
* the 4 different kinds of spots. |
* spotintensity - overall intensity scale for the spots |
* spotvarycolor - scale the color variation of the spots |
* seed - random number seed for many of the computations |
* |
* WARNING: lens flare is notorious as a sign of cheesy, cheap computer |
* graphics. Use this effect with extreme care! |
* |
*************************************************************************** |
* |
* Author: Larry Gritz & Tony Apodaca, 1999 |
* |
* Contacts: lg@pixar.com |
* |
* $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2000/08/28 01:30:35 $ |
* |
****************************************************************************/ |
/* |
* Ported from Renderman Shader to OSL: Dylan Whiteman, 2013 |
* |
* Many thanks to the above authors for the amazing OSL. |
* Many thanks to the Blender team for an amazing 3D tool. |
* |
* Apologies to the above authors for any degradation or errors to the original code. |
* |
* See You-Tube Video Tutorials for use of this shader: |
* - LensFlare Tutorial Part 1 of 4: Blender Real TIme Lens Flare Shader Introduction: |
* http://youtu.be/Whbq8H6Ltvk |
* |
* - LensFlare Tutorial: Part 2 of 4: How To Set Up a LensFlare Shader in Blender |
* http://youtu.be/mf69t-hKxVk |
* |
* |
* Dylan's Notes: |
* - Tested with Blender's 'Cycles' render engine. |
* - Added: - Input: Light Position (x, y, z) world co-ordinates. The flare bloom is centred on this position. |
* (as OSL does not support "illuminance (P, vector "camera" (0,0,1), PI/2)") |
* - Output: Cbloom, CstarBurst, Craonbow and Cring elements for greater user control. |
* - Comments for OSL newbies like myself. |
* |
* - Blender Usage: |
* Overview: |
* - Create a plane to sit in front of the camera. Parent the plane to the camera. |
* - Give the plane a material with this shader's composite output feeding an emission shader. |
* Add the emission shader to a transparent shader. The sum feeds the material's Surface input. |
* - Feed the 'source' lamp x,y,z position into this shader using 3 Value Input nodes and an RGB combiner node. |
* - Use Blender 'Drivers' to get the lamp x,y,z positions into their respective Value input nodes. |
* - To save render time, create a Render Layer with just the parented plane present. |
* Set this Render Layer's "Samples:" override setting to 1 (only one sample is needed) . |
* |
* Step by Step: |
* 1) Create a plane with (approx.) the same aspect ratio as the render setting. Give the plane a name. e.g lensFlarePlane |
* 2) Align the plane with the camera view. The plane should fill the camera view |
* 3) Parent the plane to the camera. The plane should now always stay in the same position relative to the camera frame. |
* 4) Create a node based material for the lensFlarePlane. Add and connect the following nodes: |
* 5) Connect an Emission shader and a Transparent shader to an Add shader. |
* 6) Connect the Add shader output to the Surface input of the Material Output node. |
* 7) Create a Script node and select this lensflare.osl file as the script. |
* 7b) Note: The "Open Shader" check box must be ticked in the Render (camera icon) settings in the Properties panel |
* 8) Press the Compile/Update button on the script node. All the input and output nodes should appear. |
* If the script does not compile - check step 7b. Check that the patterns.h file is present. |
* 9) Connect the Composite output node of the lensFlare01 shader to the Color input of the Emission shader. |
* 10) Create a Combine RGB node. Conect the Image output of this node to the LightPos input of the lensFlare01 shader. |
* 11) Create an Input Value node. Connect the Value output to the R input of the Combine RGB node. |
* 12) Create an Input Value node. Connect the Value output to the G input of the Combine RGB node. |
* 13) Create an Input Value node. Connect the Value output to the B input of the Combine RGB node. |
* 14) The three Value input nodes just created will be used to pass the x,y,z world position of the lens-flare |
* light source to the lens-flare shader. "Drivers" must be added to the 'x,y,z' Value input nodes for the |
* lens-flare bloom to be automatically placed in the correct position on the screen. |
* ... to be continued |
* |
* |
****************************************************************************/ |
//#include "patterns.h" |
#include "stdosl.h" |
#define PI M_PI |
/* Helper function: compute the aspect ratio of the frame */ |
float aspectratio () |
{ |
point Pcorner0 = transform ("NDC", "screen", point(0,0,0)); |
point Pcorner1 = transform ("NDC", "screen", point(1,1,0)); |
float ar = (Pcorner1[0]-Pcorner0[0]) /(Pcorner1[1]-Pcorner0[1]); |
return ar; |
} |
// From patterns.h by Larry Gritz. Copied here so users don't have to save |
// header files into the osl search path. |
float filteredpulse (float edge0, float edge1, float x, float dx) |
{ |
float x0 = x - dx/2; |
float x1 = x0 + dx; |
return max (0, (min(x1,edge1)-max(x0,edge0)) / dx); |
} |
/* The filterwidthp macro is similar to filterwidth, but is for |
* point data. */ |
/* Define metrics for estimating filter widths, if none has already |
* been defined. This is crucial for antialiasing. |
*/ |
# define MINFILTWIDTH 1.0e-6 |
#endif |
float filterwidthp(point p) |
{return (float)max (sqrt(area(p)), MINFILTWIDTH);} |
/* Helper function: compute the camera's diagonal field of view */ |
float cameradiagfov () |
{ |
vector corner = vector (transform("NDC","camera",point(1,1,0))); |
float halfangle = acos (dot(normalize(corner), vector(0,0,1)))/2; |
return halfangle; |
} |
// return 0 if u or v is out side the range 0 to 1 |
// return 1 otherwise. |
int uvInbounds(float u, float v) |
{ |
if (u < 0.0) return 0; |
if (u > 1.0) return 0; |
if (v < 0.0) return 0; |
if (v > 1.0) return 0; |
else return 1; |
} |
color rainbow (float x, float dx) |
{ |
#define R color(1,0,0) |
#define O color(1,.5,0) |
#define Y color(1,1,0) |
#define G color(0,1,0) |
#define B color(0,0,1) |
#define Ii color(.375,0,0.75) |
#define V color(0.5,0,0.5) |
// color rb = spline ("linear",x, V,V,Ii,B,G,Y,O,R,R); |
// Looks like we have to use an array for the moment in OSL |
color s[10]; |
s[0] = V; |
s[1] = V; |
s[2] = Ii; |
s[3] = Ii; |
s[4] = B; |
s[5] = G; |
s[6] = Y; |
s[7] = O; |
s[8] = R; |
s[9] = R; |
color rb = spline ("linear",x,s); |
float p = filteredpulse (0, 1, x, dx) ; |
return rb * p; |
} |
shader lensflare01 ( |
vector LightPosition = vector(1.8,6.3,0.6), |
color LightColor = color(.52,.52,.52), |
float AspectRatio = 0.0, |
float intensity = 1.0, |
int seed = 143, |
string bloomImg= "//textures/flares/bloom.png", |
float bloomImageMix = 0.0, |
float bloomintensity = 0.1, |
float bloomradius = 1.4, |
float bloomstarry = 0.5, |
float bloomnpoints = 50, |
float bloomfalloff = 5.7, |
string starBurstImg = "//textures/flares/starBurst.png", |
float starBurstImageMix = 0.0, |
float starburstintensity = 0.101, |
float starburstradius = 0.8, |
float starburstnpoints = 50, |
float starburstfalloff = 7.1, |
string rainbowImg = "//textures/flares/rainbow.png", |
float rainBowImageMix = 0.0, |
float rainbowintensity = 0.009, |
float rainbowradius = 0.55, |
float rainbowwidth = 0.7, |
string spots_diskImg = "//textures/flares/hexDisk.png", |
string spots_ringImg = "//textures/flares/hexRing.png", |
string spots_blotImg = "//textures/flares/hexBlot.png", |
string spots_blotHoleImg = "//textures/flares/hexHoley.png", |
float spotsImageMix = 0.0, |
float spotintensity = 0.15, |
float spotRadius = 1.0, |
float spotvarycolor = 1.5, |
int nspots = 50, |
int disky = 3, |
int ringy = 3, |
int blotty = 3, |
int holey = 3, |
output closure color LensFlare_EmissionShader = 0, |
output color CLensFlare_ColorShader = color(0), // All lens flare elements composited |
output color CLensFlare_synthOnly = color(0), // The color outputs below allow |
output color CLensFlare_imgOnly= color(0), // fine tuning in the material node editor or compositor |
output color Cbloom_synth = color(0), // Just the synthesised bloom |
output color CstarBurst_synth= color(0), // Just the synthesised starburst |
output color Crainbow_synth = color(0), // Just the synthesised rainbow |
output color CspotAll_synth = color(0), // Just the synthesised combined rings (disk, ring, blot,holowblot) |
output color Cbloom_img = color(0), // Just the image based bloom |
output color CstarBurst_img = color(0), // Just the image based starburst |
output color Crainbow_img = color(0), // Just the image based rainbow |
output color CspotAll_img = color(0), // Just the image based combined rings (disk, ring, blot,holowblot) |
// Having access to individual rings allows fine tuning in material node editor or compositor |
output color Cspot_disk_only = color(0), // Just the combined disk (synth + image) |
output color Cspot_ring_only = color(0), // Just the combined ring (synth + image) |
output color Cspot_blot_only = color(0), // Just the combined blot (synth + image) |
output color Cspot_hole_only = color(0) // Just the combined holowblot (synth + image) |
) |
{ |
// Generate repeatable sequences of 'random' numbers - based on nrand and seed settings. |
float nrand = 0; |
// Random helper function |
float urand () { |
nrand += 1; |
return cellnoise(nrand, seed); |
} |
point LightPos = LightPosition; |
float aspect = AspectRatio; |
// If the user has not defined the aspect ration -- then calculate it based |
// on the screen dimensions. NOTE: In Blender this works well when rendering, however |
// when the aspect ration calculated for the 3D preview viewport does not match the render window |
// calculations UNLESS the 3D preview viewport is sized by the user. Hence -- it can pay to set this by hand. |
// Also -- defining the AspectRation manually allows for anamorphic lens flare effects. |
if (AspectRatio == 0){ |
aspect = abs(aspectratio()); |
} |
float lensfov = cameradiagfov(); |
// illuminance (P, vector "camera" (0,0,1), PI/2); // renderman function. |
// dw: In OSL we need get our light source info from the LightPos input connection to the node. |
// (GetAttributes does not seem to work as we'd like in Cyles at time of writing). |
// Transform the center of the screen (.5,.5,0) in NDC to common (world) coords for later light |
// position calcs also in common coords. |
point camPos= transform("NDC","common",point(.5,.5,0)); |
// L is the vector from the cam to the flare light source in common (world) coordinates |
// We need it to calculate how bright the flare should be for this cam to light angle. |
vector L = LightPos - camPos; |
// Ldir is the lens flare axis vector in cam coords. |
vector Ldir = normalize(transform("camera", L)); |
// Attenuate the lens flare effect as the flare source leaves the camera field of view. |
float atten = 1 - smoothstep( 1, 2, abs(acos(Ldir[2])) / (lensfov/2) ); |
float brightness = atten * intensity *(LightColor[0]+LightColor[1]+LightColor[2])/3; |
// Position of point being shaded in normalised device coordinates. |
// 0,0,0 = top left screen. 1,1,0 = bot right screen in NDC |
// Now the screen range is (-1-1,0) top left to (1,1) top right |
// (0,0,0) is in centre of the screen - with z axis pointing in camera direction |
point Pndc = (transform("common","NDC", P) - vector (.5, .5, 0))*2; |
// The actual screen is (most likely) rectangular - so extend the range of the x axis to taking into account the |
// aspect ration. This way, 'drawing' that is done in these 'normalise' coordinates (e.g circles) won't be stretched |
// when we transform back to common or world space. Let's call this NDCa coords. |
Pndc *= vector(aspect, 1, 0); |
// dPndc needed for antialiasing.(investigate details wrt cycles implementation later) |
float dPndc = filterwidthp(Pndc); |
// Calculate the flare source light position in NDCa coords. |
// Normalised coords make it easier to use step functions - as the bottom right of the screen |
// is always (aspect,1) for all render sizes. |
point Plight = (transform("common","NDC", LightPos) - vector (.5, .5, 0))*2; |
Plight *= vector(aspect, 1, 0); |
// Calculate the distance and angle from the point being shaded to the lens-flare axis. |
// The distance and angle from the lens-flare axis determine what shade the pixel will be coloured. |
vector Lvec = Plight - Pndc; // lensflare axis vector = lightpos - shadePos (in 'NDC' coords) |
float dist = length(Lvec); // dist of the pixel bring shaded to the lens flare axis in 'NDC' coords |
float angle = atan2(Lvec[1], Lvec[0]) + PI; // angle of the lens-flare axis |
float alpha = 1.0; |
/* |
* Handle the image of the lamp. There are 3 effects: |
* the bloom, a small red ring flare, and the triple starburst. |
*/ |
/* Bloom */ |
if (bloomintensity > 0) { |
float radius = sqrt(brightness)*5*mix(.2, bloomradius, urand()); |
float bloom = pnoise (bloomnpoints*angle/(2*PI), bloomnpoints); |
bloom = mix (0.5, bloom, bloomstarry); |
bloom = mix (1, bloom, smoothstep(0, 0.5, dist/radius)); |
bloom = pow(1-smoothstep(0.0, radius*bloom, dist),bloomfalloff); |
Cbloom_synth+= bloom * (bloomintensity) / brightness; |
point uv = ((Pndc - Plight)/(2*radius))+point(.5,.5,0); |
int useImg = uvInbounds(uv[0],uv[1]); |
if (bloomImageMix && useImg){ |
Cbloom_img = texture(bloomImg, uv[0], 1.0 - uv[1], "alpha", alpha) * |
(bloomintensity) / brightness; |
CLensFlare_imgOnly += Cbloom_img; |
} |
} |
/* Starburst */ |
if (starburstintensity > 0) { |
float radius = sqrt(brightness)*5*mix(.2, starburstradius, urand()); |
float star = pnoise (starburstnpoints*angle/(2*PI),starburstnpoints); |
star = pow(1-smoothstep(0.0, radius*star, dist), starburstfalloff); |
CstarBurst_synth += star * (starburstintensity) / brightness; |
point uv = ((Pndc - Plight)/(2*radius))+point(.5,.5,0); |
int useImg = uvInbounds(uv[0],uv[1]); |
if (starBurstImageMix && useImg){ |
point uv = ((Pndc - Plight)/(2*radius))+point(.5,.5,0); |
CstarBurst_img = texture(starBurstImg, uv[0], 1.0 - uv[1], "alpha", alpha) * |
(starburstintensity) / brightness; |
CLensFlare_imgOnly += CstarBurst_img; |
} |
} |
/* Rainbow */ |
if (rainbowintensity > 0) { |
Crainbow_synth += brightness*(rainbowintensity / intensity) |
* rainbow((dist/rainbowradius-1)/rainbowwidth, |
(dPndc/rainbowradius)/rainbowwidth); |
point uv = ((Pndc - Plight)/(2*rainbowradius+rainbowwidth))+point(.5,.5,0); |
int useImg = uvInbounds(uv[0],uv[1]); |
if (rainBowImageMix && useImg){ |
Crainbow_img = texture(rainbowImg, uv[0], 1.0 - uv[1], "alpha", alpha) * |
(rainbowintensity) / brightness; |
CLensFlare_imgOnly += Crainbow_img; |
} |
} |
/* |
* Now emit the random rings themselves |
*/ |
// We will move up and down the lens flare axis vector- placing rings, spots along the way |
vector axis = normalize(Plight); |
float i; |
// Every time this shader is called (i.e for every pixel) -- the same sequence of random |
// numbers (with the resulting random rings etc) will be generated. Set nrand to achieve this |
nrand = 20; /* Reset on purpose! */ |
float synth_intensity = 0; |
color img_intensity = color(0); |
for (i = 0; i < nspots; i += 1) { |
synth_intensity = 0; |
img_intensity = color(0); |
// (re)generate the 'stats' for this ith spot. |
float alongaxis = urand(); |
point cntr = point (mix(-2, 1, alongaxis) * axis); |
// Calculate the position of this ring along the lensflare axis, and the ring's radius. |
float axisdist = distance (cntr, Pndc); |
float radius = mix (.08, .3,pow(urand(),2)) * spotRadius * distance(cntr,Plight); |
// generate UV co-ords that can select the pixel to draw when an image texture is used to draw the spots. |
point uv = ((Pndc - cntr)/(2*radius))+point(.5,.5,0); |
float alpha = 1.0; |
// Check to see if the uv coordinated are outside the image texture plane. (0 = out of bounds) |
// This is used to speed up drawing. No need to access texture co-ords for out of bounds uv. |
// There is also no need to access texture co-ords if the user does not want to use textures for their spots |
int useImg = uvInbounds(uv[0],uv[1]); |
if (spotsImageMix ==0) useImg = 0; |
// Calculate the color and brightness of this spots pixel |
color clr = LightColor; |
clr *= 1+ spotvarycolor * color ((cellnoise(i) - 0.5), 0,0); |
float bright = 1 - (2 * radius); |
bright *= bright; |
color spotBaseColor = spotintensity * bright * clr * LightColor; |
// Like playing cards in a deck - the user has defined how many disk, ring, blot and hole |
// type 'cards' there are in each deck |
float alltypes = (disky+ringy+blotty+holey); |
// Choose a card type from the deck. It is essential thatt his 'random' choice repeats in the same (exact) sequence |
// every time we go through the 'for' loop below. |
float type = urand()*alltypes; |
// Choose the spot shading method based on the 'card' choice. |
if (type < disky) { |
// Flat disk |
// dw changed from filterstep for OSL compilation. Look at changing back later. |
synth_intensity = 1 - smoothstep(radius, axisdist-dPndc/2,axisdist+dPndc/2); |
if (useImg) {img_intensity = texture(spots_diskImg, uv[0], 1.0 - uv[1], "alpha", alpha);} |
Cspot_disk_only += spotBaseColor * mix(synth_intensity,img_intensity, spotsImageMix); |
} |
else if (type < (disky+ringy)) { |
// Ring |
synth_intensity = filteredpulse (radius, radius+0.05*axisdist,axisdist, dPndc); // entirely synthesised disk spot |
if (useImg) {img_intensity = texture(spots_ringImg, uv[0], 1.0 - uv[1], "alpha", alpha);} // disk spot from an image |
Cspot_ring_only += spotBaseColor * mix(synth_intensity,img_intensity, spotsImageMix); // allow the user (output) access to all ring spots |
} |
else if (type < (disky+ringy+blotty)) { |
// Soft spot |
synth_intensity = 1 - smoothstep (0, radius, abs(axisdist)); |
if (useImg) {img_intensity = texture(spots_blotImg, uv[0], 1.0 - uv[1], "alpha", alpha);} |
Cspot_blot_only += spotBaseColor * mix(synth_intensity,img_intensity, spotsImageMix); // allow the user (output) access to all blot spots .. etc |
} |
else { |
// Spot with soft hole in middle |
synth_intensity = smoothstep(0, radius, axisdist) - smoothstep(radius, axisdist-dPndc/2, axisdist+dPndc/2); |
if (useImg) {img_intensity = texture(spots_blotHoleImg, uv[0], 1.0 - uv[1], "alpha", alpha);} |
Cspot_hole_only += spotBaseColor * mix(synth_intensity,img_intensity, spotsImageMix); |
} |
// Provide the user with all the spot types composited together. Offer the synth output as well as an image based output. |
CspotAll_synth += spotBaseColor * synth_intensity; |
if (useImg) CspotAll_img += spotBaseColor * img_intensity; |
} |
// Output the composite of all effects. |
CLensFlare_synthOnly = Cbloom_synth + CstarBurst_synth + Crainbow_synth + CspotAll_synth; |
CLensFlare_imgOnly += CspotAll_img; |
if (CLensFlare_imgOnly != 0 ) { |
// only mix in the image flare elements if they exist (speed up) |
CLensFlare_ColorShader = mix(Cbloom_synth,Cbloom_img, bloomImageMix) + |
mix(CstarBurst_synth,CstarBurst_img, starBurstImageMix) + |
mix(Crainbow_synth,Crainbow_img, rainBowImageMix) + |
mix(CspotAll_synth,CspotAll_img, spotsImageMix); |
} |
else |
{ |
// There are no image based flare elemnts -- so the output contains only the synthesised elements |
CLensFlare_ColorShader = Cbloom_synth + CstarBurst_synth + Crainbow_synth + CspotAll_synth; |
} |
float brightAdj = atten* intensity; |
CLensFlare_synthOnly *= brightAdj; |
CLensFlare_imgOnly *= brightAdj; //CLensFlare_synthOnly |
Cspot_disk_only *= brightAdj; |
Cspot_ring_only *= brightAdj; |
Cspot_blot_only *= brightAdj; |
Cspot_hole_only *= brightAdj; |
CLensFlare_ColorShader *= brightAdj; |
LensFlare_EmissionShader = CLensFlare_ColorShader * emission() + transparent(); |
} |